Billion Dollar Secret

Billion Dollar Secret is a 1999 TLC Video that was distributed by Discovery Channel Video. This film, written and narrated by Nick Cook, investigates military "black projects" in the United States as a possible explanation for many UFO sightings. The following refers to the approximately one-hour version. There are two one-hour episodes, available on Google Video.

Plot summary

The program starts by speaking of the annual Pentagon budget of $250 billion that is submitted to Congress for approval. From his office in London, Cook asserts that if all the line items are calculated, there is a mismatch of about $20 billion (the 'Black Budget'), which he claims is used for 'black projects.'

He then visits the USA, speaking with several known personalities, including Bob Widmer - an aerospace engineer who worked for General Dynamics-Convair company during the 1950s on an aircraft design known as the 'FISH' as well as Garry Lyles and George Schmidt of NASA who discuss methods of advanced space travel including 'Worm Holes' (from the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project). He also meets with a serving congressman, Dana Rohrabacher, who supports Cooks' belief in the often denied 'Aurora' spyplane project, which has allegedly replaced the SR-71 Blackbird.

Now firmly onto a good thing, Cook visits scientist/engineer and ex-Lockheed Martin Skunk Works guru, Boyd Bushman to try to catch up with the latest developments in aviation technology. Discussions and investigations into anti-gravity propulsion ensue with some interesting footage of experiments by John Hutchinson wherein objects 'lose weight' and lift off a workbench when showered with certain energies. In the meantime, we are treated to trying to find an explanation for unexplained 'cattle mutilations' that have been occurring in the US for over four decades. Cook also speaks to Jack Gordon (then President of the Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works) regarding 'white, grey and black' aerospace programs; during the interview Gordon dismisses some of the popular conspiracies regarding the company's work including Aurora.

The documentary raises some interesting questions about governmental expenditure of taxpayers money without the taxpayer ever knowing where it went or why. During the course of this almost hour long documentary, various other interviewees - in the main, common people like farmers, aviation buffs and UFO investigators—come forth with their views on what, where, why and who could be initiating the various phenomenon. In one interview, an average farmer speaks of being woken late one cold winter night to note a helicopter with no engine noise hovering over his farmhouse. He tried to ascertain if it was a turbine or mechanical engine, having had some experience in the reserve marines assisting with helicopters. However, the only sound it made was the blades swishing in the air and downdraft of wind. Next morning he wakes up to find a mutilated cow outside. Some amateur footage of mutilations is also shown.

In another interview, the person speaks of a well-reputed gentleman's encounter with a 'mile long metallic craft with lights' soundlessly hovering above the ground while out jogging in the American countryside. This jogger was apparently an ex-serviceman who was very shaken up by what he saw and actually called NORAD to ask them if any unusual flights had been scheduled in the vicinity.